What are the fines for overdue items?


Standard loans 

There are no fines on standard loans unless the item has been reserved and is overdue. The fine for this is £1 per day.

Timed loans

For overdue short-term loans including 2-hour book loans and borrowed USB cables, the fine is 2p per minute.

Overnight loans

Some equipment is available on overnight loans, including laptops, headphones, calculators, and white-board markers. Once overdue, the fine for these is 2p per minute.

Lost items

If you lose an item from the library you will need to pay for a replacement copy to be purchased. The replacement cost will be added to your account and can be paid at the library self-service machines or on the Regent's online store


  • Last Updated May 31, 2023
  • Views 39
  • Answered By Katy Maydon

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